NEMROC Products
NEMROC is able to produce and provide three unique product categories. NEMROC Hardwoods on average produces 5.5 million board feet per year, with 5.25 million being kiln dried. NEMROC Vinyls produces custom made floor mats of varying size and thickness to meet all needs. NEMROC Woodcrafts has a wide variety of products for businesses, families, schools, and government agencies.

NEMROC Hardwoods is split into 3 entities. The first of which are both kilns. One being located in Alpena, and the other located in Hillman. The third entity is Northern Hardwoods Sawmill, located in Alpena. These 3 entities allow us to create 50 jobs for the community. Of those 50 jobs, 40 of them are held by employees with disabilities.
Alpena & Hillman Kilns
The first NEMROC Kiln was starting in 1980 in Alpena The original kiln was able to kiln dry 1 million board feet per year. Today the original kiln has been upgraded to meet current demand, and is kiln drying 2.75 million board foot per year now. In 2010, an additional kiln, located in Hillman, was purchased to help with our demand. Combined, we are able to kiln dry 5.25 million board feet per year. The two kilns provide 20 jobs to our community; among those jobs, 15 of the employees have disabilities.
Northern Hardwoods Sawmill &
Alpena Lumber Yard
Northern Hardwoods Sawmill was started in 1971, in Alpena. Currently, we are able to produce 5.5 million board feet per year through our sawmill. Through Northern Hardwoods Sawmill, we are able to provide 30 jobs for the community. Of those 30 employees, 25 of which are held by people with disabilities. Those individuals make us unique, by being the only sawmill in the United States. to be run by people with disabilities.

Floor Mats
NEMROC Vinyl Chair Mats supports two employees with disabilities. At NEMROC, we cut and sell over 20,000 chair mats per year to the federal government and to individual customers. We are currently the largest supplier of mats to the federal government.
Our chair mats feature an anti-skid textured surface and some sizes offer beveled edges, allowing safe, easy rolling on and off the mats. The underside of the mat has hundreds of small cleats to grip the carpet and prevent slipping. The exceptional clarity of our mats allows the color of the carpet to show through.
Please Call Us to Order:
(989)-356-6141 Ext. 208

Wood Crafts
The NEMROC Woodcrafts line employees a total of twenty people. Of those twenty workers, eighteen of them have a disability. Each year, we are producing over 15 million paint paddles, rulers, and yardsticks. In addition to those products, we also produce all of the wooden parts for wood kits, crates, boxes and smoke grenade boxes for The Department of Defense.
Basswood Blanks
NEMROC, Inc. has been producing basswood blanks for the promotional products industry for over 15 years. We offer a product line consisting of ruler, paint paddle, meter, walking stick, and yardstick blanks. Over the years, NEMROC has also produced such special order products as carving blocks, piano key stock, and other basswood based products. Our promotional blanks are sold throughout the United States to many of the major promotional printing companies. The majority of the basswood used in production is dried in our own kilns which allows us to insure the quality of the material being utilized. NEMROC prides itself in producing a quality product in Northern Michigan which has been heavily influenced by competition from foreign manufacturers.
Boxes & Crates
For over 30 years NEMROC, Inc. has been producing quality pallets, crates, and wooden boxes. Currently we are focusing our production to meet the needs of the United States Government. Quality is built into all of our end products as we manage our raw material from the sawmill to the finished, stamped box. Our goal is for every box to be of the same high quality, and meet all MIL-Standards every time. When running the grenade boxes line, it supports five additional jobs to the basswood blanks line. These boxes are sent and made exclusively for The Department of Defense.
Wood Kits
Wood Kits is our newest product line that was started in 2015. The main focus of this new product line is to provide kits for schools, fundraisers, and for the newly developed Pollination Program.